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Equine assisted therapy and learning has attracted a lot of interest over the past 15 years and there is a growing evidence base that supports its efficacy. The model has been researched globally, some examining overall efficacy and others focusing on how it works for people with specific issues. H.A.P.P.Y is committed to evidence based practice and we thought you may be interested in some of the evidence generated so far, so we've listed some papers below.

  •  Staudt M, and Cherry D.," Equine Facilitated Therapy and Trauma: Current Knowledge, Future Needs. 2017 Advances in Social Work, Spring 2017, 18(1) USA

  • Cagle-Holtcamp K., et al, "Does Equine Assisted Learning Create Emotionally Safe learning Environments for At Risk Youth?' 2019 Journal of Youth Development Vol 14 Issue 4 Missisipi State University

  • Burgon, H,  Gammage, D and Hebden, J, "Hoofbeats and Heartbeats: equine-assisted therapy and learning with young people with psychosocial issues - theory and practice published online 14.03.2017

  • Caitlin, B., McDaniel P., and Wood, W., 'Autism and Equine Assisted Interventions: A Systematic Mapping Review, July 2017, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 3220-3242(2017)

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